Monday, July 18, 2011

The definition of "class" ~ Ann Landers

I was given this by a co-worker who kept a copy in his wallet snipped from the newspaper...

Definition of "Class" by Ann Landers

Class never runs scared. It is surefooted and confident and it can handle whatever comes along.

Class has a sense of humor. It knows that a good laugh is the best lubricant for oiling the machinery of human relations.

Class never makes excuses. It takes lumps and learns from past mistakes.

Class knows good manners are nothing more than a series of petty sacrifices.

Class bespeaks an aristocracy unrelated to ancestors or money. A blue blood can be totally without class while the son of a Welsh miner may ooze class from every pore.

Class can "walk with kings and keep it's virtue and talk with crowds and keep the common touch."

Everyone is comfortable with the person who has class because he is comfortable with himself.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lord of the years that are left to me...

When I stand at the judgment seat of Christ

And He shows me His plan for me,

The Plan of my life as it might have been

Had He had His way, and I see

How I blocked Him here, and I checked Him there,

And I would not yield my will

Will there be grief in my Savior's eyes,

Grief, though He loves me still?

He would have me rich, and I stand there poor,

Stripped of all but His grace,

While memory runs like a hunted thing

Down the paths I cannot retrace.

Then my desolate heart will well-nigh break

With the tears that I cannot shed;

I shall cover my face with my empty hands,

I shall bow my uncrowned head...

Lord of the years that are left to me,

I give them to Thy hand;

Take me and break me, mould me to

The pattern Thou hast planned!

~Martha Snell Nicholson

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